Grease y el mítico outfit de Olivia Newton John son una inspiración constante, por eso, cuando encontré los perfectos leggings de cuero no me pude resistir a adaptar ese mítico conjunto a nuestros días manteniendo el toque roquero que tanto le caracteriza, eso si, yo sin cigarrillo como complemento. :P
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Un besazo y feliz semana!
I was wearing:
shirt/Camisa: Pull&Bear
Leather leggings/Leggings: Stradivarius.
Pumps/Zapatos: bershka
Sunglasses/Gafas de sol: stradivarius.
Gloves/Guantes: Mango.
Grease and the mythical outfit of Olivia Newton John are an incessant inspiration, so when i finally found my perfect leather leggings, i couldn't resist myselve to addapt that outfit to my personal style, saving the rock touches but without the cigarette as my first complement! (I hate smoking :P)
What do you think?
At last I want to remember you that you can find the instagram of the blog on: @laraysublog and for the facebook page click HERE
A big kiss!